The Bausch Collection

McCall Golf Club (Upper Darby, PA)

The scorecard at McCall Golf Club. The scorecard at McCall Golf Club. The scorecard at McCall Golf Club. A 1923 plan showing the original 9 holes by Donald Ross.
The scorecard at McCall Golf Club.
The scorecard at McCall Golf Club.
The scorecard at McCall Golf Club.
A 1923 plan showing the original 9 holes by Donald Ross.
The hole-sequencing for the original The hole-sequencing at McCall Golf Club using an October 2011 Google Earth aerial. Hole 1 (par 4). #1. Uphill par 4 (298 yards; blue tees distances given). [Photos taken September 2024]
The hole-sequencing for the original "Ross 9" at McCall Golf Club.
The hole-sequencing at McCall Golf Club using an October 2011 Google Earth aerial.
Hole 1 (par 4).
#1. Uphill par 4 (298 yards; blue tees distances given). [Photos taken September 2024]

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